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맨날 쓰는 표현, 같은 단어들만 매일 쓴다면? - 바꾸어 쓸 수 있는 고급진 표현들

by WanderingStar 2021. 9. 19.


기존 표현 고급진 다른 표현 예제
Would like to Would care to I would care to listen to you.
Care to join us?
Guess Speculate Can you speculate?
I can only speculate, but that's almost impossible.
to a certain level to some degree
in some degree
I achieved my goal to some degree.
It's waterproof in some degree.
across the board We need help across the board.
Your English is improved across the board.
urgent time-sensitive This is quite time-sensitive issue.
I am very busy with time-sensitive work.


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