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날마다 영어 조금씩 - take place during/ amid/ become apparent/ versatility

by WanderingStar 2022. 7. 29.
"날마다 무언가를 꾸준히 하면, 복리의 법칙에 따라 내 실력은 기하급수적으로 늘어난다." 라는 얘기에 깊게 동감하여..
날마다 조금씩 외국인들의 문장을 가져다 적어보고 내 표현으로 습득해 보고자 합니다.


1. Given the uncertain dispatch forecast, selecting third party Combustion Engineering Firm will take place during the 3rd quarter. 

- "will take place during" - 중고딩때 배운 기초 숙어지만 실제로는 잘 안써지는 단어

- ~ will take place during ~ 이런식으로 자주 연습해 봐야겠다


2. Shipping stocks have gained 31% on average in 2022 amid market volatility and a 17% decline in the S&P 500, said analyst Omar Nokta, in his first report on the marine shipping sector, published on July 20. 

- "amid" - '~하는 와중에' 라고 해석하면 됨. 뜻은 알지만 잘 안쓰게 되는데 연습이 필요

- 아예 amid market volatility, amid big price increase, amid chaos 이런식으로 아예 단어를 포함해서 연습하면 좋을듯


3. It has become apparent over the past 12 to 18 months that vessel versatility is much more important than vessel size as the global fleet is being challenged to deliver cargoes across many new and emerging trade lanes,” the report said

- "it has become apparent' - 'it has been clear' 대신 쓸 수 있는 표현

- 'versatile' 다목적의, 다용도성의, 다재다능한. 'versatility'-다목적성