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날마다 영어 조금씩 - board the bus/ pick-up and drop-off

by WanderingStar 2022. 8. 16.

- This app also helps ensure that our students board the correct bus and get off at the correct drop-off location. It enables the school to track the status of students on all buses in real-time and makes it is easier for us to handle delays in pick-ups or drop-offs. The information is automatically recorded into our systems, and the school is able to monitor the exact bus check-in and check-out time for each student. 


- "board the bus" - 버스에 타다 (반대말, disembark from the bus, get off from the bus)

- "pick-up and drop-off" - 태우는것, 내려주는 것 (pick up은 많이 쓰지만, drop off는 생각이 안날 수 있으니 외워두자